Barbara Mackenzie
in Service for Your Soul
Products, Services & Workshops
for Body, Mind & Spirit

I am anAgent of Change
Bringing out the best in myself & others
is my personal mission for SYNERGYetc.©
I offer programs, services & products
that inspire creativity, authenticity and wellness.
Participants bring themselves fully to the process and prepare to grow in openness, compassion & courage.
I built this (online platform) to offer Quality of Life Enhancement Programs, Healing Arts Services, Workshops & Webinars that help inspire, facilitate & sustain change.
Understanding who we truly are unlocks
our gifts of character
and empowers us to BE all that we are meant to be.
Join me if you're ready to practice deeper & more meaningful connections for life & for Community.
If Our Legacy is all that We are
... then, who are we Really?
I am here to explore this for myself too.
Agents of Change
Vision of SYNERGYetc.© - To be an internationally respected hub of Facilitators delivering programs & services 24/7 in their own languages. Our reach across the planet, with partners of like minded intentions, will inspire & develop programs, services and educational opportunities for the public.
SYNERGYetc.© works with cocreators offering mentoring, consultation & support, with our easy to access membership packages. Select the one that will work best for you.
Under development in partnership with pro§per media
* Disclosure:
I acknowledge that eventually, Affiliate links may appear on this site. if you choose to purchase, it helps to offset costs.

Looking to RELAX?
The virtual beach is still open - 24/7/365.
There is music there but feel free to play your own.
Stay as long as you like & visit often.Â
Inhale peace ~ Exhale peace
[click the heart >>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â << GO there NOW]

A community of likeminded people.
Because Healing STARTS when YOU are Ready.
Because Healing happens in safe & caring communities?
Are you Ready?​ CLICK TO JOIN NOW