Barbara Mackenzie
in Service for Your Soul
Products, Services & Workshops
for Body, Mind & Spirit

How Are you Really?
When was the last time you felt really heard?
without Interrupting, Advising, Criticizing, Blaming or Shaming.
Based on a bi-weekly Circle that has been running since 2010
How Are You Really? (HAYR?) Circles are
Compassionate & Caring Small Groups
Each member has 8 - 12 mins to speak what's on their heart & mind.
Learn the Virtues others' hear in the choices, told in your sharing.
Discover the Quality of Caring that comes with Compassionate presence.
Experience what BEING HEARD can do for you & others.
The HAYR? circle is: 2 hours PER week / Online on Zoom
Welcome Circle & Virtues Pick*
Storying (each person has 8-12 minutes to answer the question)
Wrap-Up Circle & Closing
Q: What is "a Virtues Acknowledgment"?
A: It's when we offer the (virtues) we see/hear & say how we saw it.
Q: What's in it for me/you?
A: through pro-active listening, modeling & practical application (the practice, practice, practice) you will experience the benefits of being witnessed with (respect & expect) group boundaries (established together & evolving) protect & honour every one's time, energy & process.
The How Are You Really? Circle is a safe place to speak your truth, BE heard & listen to others, learn to give & receive acknowledgments, the virtues seen in us. You share only what feels right & comfortable to you.
This is a safe listening circle: which means there is NO Interrupting, Advising, Criticizing, Blaming or Shaming.
*A Virtues Pick: is ONE (card)* that is randomly selected (from 100 cards) in the Virtues Reflections Deck as a focus for each circle.