Barbara Mackenzie
in Service for Your Soul
Products, Services & Workshops
for Body, Mind & Spirit

Creation Station: Swan right - Watercolour
Thu, Feb 18
[VIDEO REPLAY ONLY] *See note below Weekly tutorials / painting from photos by a variety of inspirational artists. This week is the "Swan Right" thanks to Photographer © Jeff Condon. FOLLOW @ https://www.instagram.com/jeffcondonretired/an Right" is thanks to Photographer © Jeff Condon.

Time & Location
Feb 18, 2021, 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EST
About the Event
Sorry for your disappointment - Until further notice there are REPLAY VIDEOS only -
- due to unstable internet (the zoom-class dropped 9 times last week); instead of dropping class, I am modifying it.
The Creation Station has been brewing along time. IF YOU were one of the ones urging me toward this. Thank YOU!!!
Participate to your ability:
- by Donation
- MEMBERSHIP *includes access to library of tutorial replays.
It's like a painting party in the comfort of your own home. You use your own supplies ~ I'll teach you what I know.
Here are the tools you need:
- Visual Reference to print - https://static.wixstatic.com/media/30fdf2_e74aa0cc98124db3b8465e770aabd4a8~mv2.jpg
- Water Colour Paper (or mixed media) heavy is best.
- Brushes: I've listed my brushes (see image)
- Painters tape to secure paper onto cardboard
- Thick cardboard or plexiglass to tape your paper onto (a clipboard works well)
- Water; paper towel, pencil & eraser.
- Masking Fluid / Rubber cement (optional)
*Disclaimer - NO skill is required & not one of the arts created will look like the other. That makes the creation station magic.
Barbara's Bio:
Barbara has been a student of the Healing Arts since 1980. For 40+ years she's focused her study on the human potential through courses in Meditation, Bach Flower Remedies, Reflexology, Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Commercial Art, Shamanic Healing, Journaling, Poetry, Writing and Vision Boarding. In the 80's she began teaching breath meditation; she waitressed & freelanced as an Artist; by the 90's she was a Facilitator of Positive Parenting programs and running 11 workshops a week in at risk communities. Barbara discovered The Virtues Project, supported the Founders with contingency as a founding member of VPIA, the Virtues Project International Association and she continues to support the global network of Facilitators through her online technical skills. With 2 adult children and her husband looking to retire, Barbara is ready to bring her dream for integrating the healing arts, to fruition.
Your ZOOM URL will come by email 1 day before the event. Registration is needed to add another level of security. *Your friends are welcome to register. Do not share this link.
CA$0.00Sale ended